Ministry & Business Blog

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Be Ready!

For us June 6, 2006 aka 6-6-06 was just like any other day.

BUT this Freestyle poem (of sorts) that I wrote I believe is a good reminder all year around because most likely, scripturally speaking; Jesus will come to gather His own,
His believers who are overcomers (Revelation Chapters 2 & 3), when no one is expecting Him.

The Back Pew Cartoon is a cute reminder that we do not want to miss the Rapture bus of "The same Holy Spirit which quickeneth us into new life".

*Be Ready!

Regardless of the numbers in the calendar date,
regardless of what is happening in the news,

we should always be ready,
ready to live for Jesus,
ready to testify for Jesus,
then perhaps we will be ready to die for Jesus.
I think when we are ready to live for Jesus,
to testify for Him and to be ready to die for Him

then we will be ready when Jesus comes for us;

ready if it is by natural death

even ready for His suddenly coming for us

through the Clouds in the sky.

Be ready.


In Christ,

Pastor Bill Mazzulla III


Be Ready cartoon is from The Back Pew

with permission from Jeff Larson.


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