Ministry & Business Blog

Sunday, June 24, 2007


In my opinion, the above link "GodTube"
is not a substitute for "You Tube"
but "GodTube" is just a safe place
for Christians and their children

who are looking for
"Christian only" net videos.

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  • I have come across a fast new video hosting site that specializes in clean videos It is another Christian video site that I found fantastic. The need is there for online Christian communities. With around 85% of the USA believing that there is a God, the market is large.

    Some people argue that Christians should be hosting their videos on youtube to make a larger impact in this world. To make an impact this is fine, but as the apostle Paul wrote: "I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil." These online communities provide a sanctuary for people from the filth of the World and a place to be in fellowship with other Christians. At least I believe these are two of the their goals. So I say: "good on you!"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:12 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger Pastor William Mazzulla III, At 2:45 AM  

  • I deleted the last comment my own comment because I made mistakes in it.

    Anyway I agree with the first comment. Very good.

    I hope Christians will post on YouTube as well as GodTube &

    For Christian videos to be posted on YouTube can be a witness to others but we still need a place of Christian fellowship.

    The problem with YouTube is that sinners often say terrible mocking things about the Christian videos.
    So it is true we need a safer sanctuary to fellowship over Christian videos like GodTube &

    By Blogger Pastor William Mazzulla III, At 12:15 PM  

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