Pastor Bill's Newsletter
Thanksgiving edition 2008
Copyright 2008 Pastor Bill Mazzulla III
(Permission to forward
Pastor Bill's Newsletter
in it's complete form is granted.)

1. Introduction to Newsletter
2. WTG with WTG - Vocabulary group
3. A Fun Story - "A Fun Thanksgiving Carol"
4. Scripture for this month
5. Devotional - "Thanksgiving Shoes"
6. Our advertisements

I Introduction

Welcome to Pastor Bill's Newsletter.
This is our Thanksgiving 2008 Edition.
Check out our WTG group of words and vocabulary etc. It is a fun with words group. You will probably learn something. I did and still am learning!
Also, in the coming months we will be having some new writers for Pastor Bill's Newsletter. This month, I would like to introduce two author/writers.
I am listing them in order of how the written stories will appear in this Newsletter.
The first is Linda from Florida.
She wrote a fun Thanksgiving story and offered it for this Newsletter.
I call it; "A Fun Thanksgiving Carol"
The second but first to offer some of her writing for this Newsletter is Katrina L Wampler.
She has given me permission to use stories she writes and posts on her blog, Kat Logic. Katrina's devotional story "Thanksgiving Shoes" is a true story in which her children were the main characters
Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy our Newsletter!
Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Bill
2. WTG with WTG!
Way To Go with Words, Thesaurus, Grammar!
This is a group, that I started about Words, Vocabulary and Grammar.
Sometimes I even post fun short quizzes.
Also, on WTG's home page are links to 2 writer's groups of which I am a member.
Those two groups are partner groups to WTG with WTG so check out those links.

3. A Thanks-Giving Christmas Carol
The turkey came into the kitchen looking disheveled and his feathers were all wilted and weathered.
"Looks like we are not having thanksgiving this year sister. He is so mangy looking and his feathers are falling off. I do not want a scared skinny looking turkey. I want something plump and with some meat on it."
The turkey overheard the conversation and went outside the courtyard in search of the biggest turkey he could find. He found one who was eating all the corn and hay in the yard out back. This one looked pretty good but it was not a turkey it was a over-sized chicken who was pregnant with chicks.
The Pastor got out his shot gun and wanted to shoot the best one there. The pitiful one looked him right in the eyes and said out loud in bird talk
"Shoot here. Shoot here."
The Pastor says
"I can not kill a bird who talks to me. that was a sin."
So the pastor went out in the field looking for more big turkeys to feed his guests of twenty nine,with all the trimmings.
Along came Al the skinny managing looking turkey, around his neck said
"Please shoot me. I want to die".
The pastor says
"Nope I do not want you Al, maybe next year."
Sister Marie came outside near the shed and said to Pastor.
"Pastor you can not kill all these birds,"
Pastor said "why?"
"Because they are all female chickens. Oh can you not see? No I guess not, Pastor will you please put on your bifocals and see that these are the most pathetic birds around. they be lucky if they laid any eggs."
So the motto of this story is:
"to please put your glasses on
and make sure God gives you a turkey instead of chickens!!"
Al was really the name called Albara she was an Italian chicken.
Linda of Florida

4. Scripture
for today

Matthew 25:34 - 40
34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
4. Devotional
Thanksgiving Shoes
by Katrina L Wampler
We’ve all heard the song/story of the Christmas Shoes. Well, I have a story for you.
You’ve all read stories of my crazy kids. Raising the three of them on my own has been trying, painful, and joyful all in one breath. Each day brings new adventures, new trials, and new stories. Several years ago we were heading into the Summer months and it was time to get sandals for the kids. I was breaking a sweat just thinking of the dollars signs attached to each pair.
So we’re off to Wal-mart. The kids were excited and bouncing to the roof of the mini-van as we pulled into the parking lot. Through the sliding doors we go and they’re off to find the best pair…the coolest pair of sandals known to elementary school kids across the nation. (No doubt the most expensive pair known to single moms everywhere.)
We had to have spent the better part of an hour roaming up and down every…single….aisle of the Wal-mart shoe department. I’m secretly hiding in the women’s section counting my dollars and digging to the bottom of my Mary Poppin’s purse searching for every last dime I can conjure up..not to mention offering a few prayers to find a quarter on the ground somewhere.
“All right, we’re ready.” The announcement came in unison as my three little ones lined up with the biggest and most precious grins I’ve ever seen on them. Not that devilish grin they usually bare that means there’s a blood stain in the carpet somewhere. But a sweet..sweet smile of satisfaction. With great pride, they each held out their sandals. Much to my surprise, there were no flashing lights, no sounds and no holograms. Just plain, ordinary velcro sandals with the lowest price tag any each of them could find.
I cried all the way to the check out line. I didn’t have to give them the speech on “we don’t have a lot of money”…they understood that I’m doing the best I can with what I have and everything that glitters is not gold. They saved me enough money that we even stopped by McDonald’s to scour their dollar menu and tour the play-land for a bit.
It is one of most memorable times with my children. It was the moment I realized they had values and were selfless when it most counted. I’ve since seen those very values displayed among the holidays as my children have pooled their allowances together to give to someone less fortunate (since my children have somehow failed to catch on that we are among the ‘poor’.)
This year they have made the commitment to carry out such compassion and charity throughout an entire year to a ministry known as the Shiloh Lighthouse Ministry and their Project 2000. I hope you’ll take the time to check it out and see how this charity can fit into your holiday giving. Teaching our children the concept of giving is one of the most valuable lessons we can give them. The one concept my children and I live by is Matthew 25:45. Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you do for the least of my people, you do also unto me.”

For more of Katrina's writings visit her blog; Kat Logic.
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© Pastor Bill's Newsletter November 15, 2008
Copyright 2008 Pastor Bill Mazzulla III
( PastorBill3rd@JesusAnswers.com )
Animations used with permission from Animation Factory.
Trade names and already copyrighted
material over-ride our copyright.
Also, property of the original author/creator remains
their property and I am only using with permission.
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