Ministry & Business Blog

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Wash Day and a Spiritual week!

Since the photos did not copy and paste from the e-mail into my blogs if you would like to see the full message with photos then e-mail me at:

and in the subject line write
"Wash day"
and in the e-mail letter just write
"Request Wash Day e-mail with pictures".

I received this in my e-mail and I thought it was time to share it.

I have no idea who wrote it and who did the pictures and animations.


Wash Day..........

Now, this is really a cute one. . . .and I've not seen it before, either!! That is getting to be a rarity!!!


Lord, help me wash away all my selfishness and vanity,
so I may serve you with perfect humility through the week ahead.

Ironing Day

Dear Lord,
help me iron out all the wrinkles of prejudice;
I have collected through the years so that I may see the beauty in others.

Mending Day O God, help me mend my ways so I will not set a bad example for others.

Cleaning Day

Lord Jesus, help me to dust out all the many faults I have been hiding in the secret corners of my heart.

Shopping Day

O God, give me the grace to shop wisely so I may purchase eternal happiness for myself and all others in need of love.

Cooking Day

Help me, my Savior, to brew a big kettle of brotherly love and serve it with clean, sweet bread of human kindness.

Worship Day

God, I have prepared my house for you. Please come into my heart so I may spend the day and the rest of my life in your presence.

'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'



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