"Gay Christian"? No!
Before you read this please know that God loves all of us... at the same time God makes a way out, a way of forgiveness and strength so we can stop sinning and with the sin forgiven and gone the guilt goes away. This is because God in the form of human flesh, as Jesus Christ, died for us, even though none of us deserved his dying for us. None of us deserved His dying for you and me. God, Jesus loved you that much!
After 3 days Jesus rose from the grave and is now in Heaven praying for us. Now unto the main points of my post.
Gay Christian"? No! Gay is not Christian and Christians are not homosexuals!
Google Ads promised to only put what is appropriate on my blog.
A "Gay Christian" website is not appropriate for those of us who are Biblical Christians. I have sent a message to Google and now I am re-editing because it appears that Google Ads has now removed the "Gay Christian" link from my site.
I am thankful for this.However since it has already got me thinking about this I am still going to put this post up for all to read!
There really is no such thing as a practicing homosexual that is also a Christian.
That would be like a person into practicing Pagan religions claiming to be Christian.
The act of practicing either paganism or homosexuality/lesbianism makes such individuals not Biblical Christian therefore there really are no such thing as "Gay Christians" in the homosexual sense.
In fact homosexuality/lesbianism is not only against the Bible but also unnatural. If animals did not mate with their opposite sex they would all die out.
The Bible calls all sexual sin, sin.
In the Old Testament scriptures; God told Moses certain sins like idolatry
(which usually included sexual sin and/or human sacrifice) as well as all bestiality and homosexuality were abominations and required those involved to be stoned to death.
Those that were caught committing adultery would also be stoned to death under the Mosaic Law.
I am not advocating violence.
In fact when the religious leaders of Jesus day, took a woman caught in adultery to Him,
and mentioned stoning, Jesus reply was to tell them;
"He that is without sin cast the fist stone"
Slowly the religious leaders, left one at a time starting with the oldest first
until there was none left except the woman and Jesus.
Jesus asked the woman "Where are your accusers?".
Her answer was to the affect "None of them are left. My Lord".
Jesus told her; "Neither do I accuse you".
Now that is not an excuse to continue to be active in sexual sin
because then Jesus told the woman "to go and sin no more".
In other words do not sin anymore, do not be active sexually sex
unless it is with your husband and if not married, wait until you are married.
If it was a homosexual/lesbian he would have told that person "to go and sin no more" which would also mean stop being sexually active and even to stop all unnatural relationships of the same sex including to stop dating the same sex.
Now a few things:
As Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery,
Jesus still forgives adulterers, fornicators, homosexuals and lesbians.
Once forgiving repentance is involved the turning away from that sin.
Sometimes instead of trying to become the complete opposite (like immediately dating the opposie sex); it might be best to just abstain from any thing that could possibly lead to temptation of your recent past sinful lifestyle and to spend lots of time in God's Word and the Bible. also helpful is to find a church that has a pastor or elder that is willing to help you in your spiritual change and spiritual growth.
The Bible promises that Jesus Christ, God's Word (the Holy Bible) , and the Holy Spirit will transform us, transform you.
The longer you live for Jesus, the more you fellowship with Bible-believing Christians, the more you read your Bible, the more you pray, the more you resist sin and resist temptations then the more your mind will become Christ-like and the weaker your past sinful habits will become in you life.... the easier it will become to resist sin and to resist temptation.
I know this is true because in 1975 I was depressed, bitter, angry, depressed, border-line suicidal, into the occult, and on top of all that reality was beginning to become a blur until I attended a prayer meeting in June 1975. In that summer of 1975; I went from cursing God and cursing Christians to praising God in a few weeks and thanking Jesus for His goodness before the summer was over. If Jesus can change me then he can change anyone. And oh yeah, reality became clearer and my depression was healed and the anger and bitterness left.
There were many other wonderful changes Jesus made in my life which started in the summer of 1975.
Sincerely in Christ,
internet Pastor Bill
Labels: Bible, Christian, gay, homosexual, homosexuality, lesbian, lesbianism, sin, unnatural
Does this mean that there are no alcoholic Christians, lying Christians, fornicating Christians, aborting Christians, adulterating Christians, porno-surfin thieving Christians without repentance? (rhetorical)
If you were to preach at the mega churches...you would likely thin the ranks just a bit. :)
Erik, At
12:05 AM
I agree about thinning the ranks but from what I hear many mega-churches do not preach all of the Word of God.
I know some of your statements were rhetorical but for those who might think that because there are
alcoholic, lying, fornicating, aborting, adulterating, porno-surfin thieving people without repentance who claim to be Christians think that this justifies "Gay Christian" websites and "Gay Christian" Churches without repentance.
The other thing is there are no Bible believing churches specifically proud of all their members being alcoholics.
A church proud of all of it's members being unrepentant drunkards is unheard of.
Their are no Bible believing churches proud of their members practicing a life-style of those sins unrepented of.
Pastor William Mazzulla III, At
1:49 AM
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