Fred Thompson announces his presidential bid
I do believe a man like Fred Thompson will preserve all of our freedoms including religious freedoms.
I also believe he is good for the security of our country and his no nonsense common sense approach will be good for business because that kind of common sense is good for our economy
I felt there had been no truly Conservative candidates in the Presidential race.
Until now, that is.
I had been hoping that Senator Fred Thompson would run for President and now he is.
I am excited about Fred Thompson's announcement for the presidential bid.
At least visit his site to find more out
about Fred Thompson's life and stands!
For more information,
here is the link to
the home page for
Fred Thompson 2008.
Labels: conservatism, economy, Fred Thompson, freedom, patriotism, security, Thompson conservative
Even an atheist like me likes him.
Unknown, At
3:44 PM
That is GREAT!
Pastor William Mazzulla III, At
7:47 PM
Nobody knows much about him.
Anyway, I don't think it's a appropriate to run a blog about a ministry and discuss politics at the same time. If you serve the Lord, why muddy yourself with this stuff?
ShamWOW!, At
2:27 AM
This blog is Ministry AND BUSINESS.
Which means not just about ministry.
For another thing; even though I am an ordained minister, this ministry is not incorporated as non-profit.
Our internet ministry is supported by our personal funds.
For another there were Bible heroes of faith involved in the politics of their day like David, Daniel, Jeremiah, Esther etc.
In fact ALL of our founding fathers had such respect to the Holy Bible that one of them had stated "A Democracy can only be successful from a people that respect and obey God's Holy Book (the Holy Bible)". Many of the founding Fathers of the USA made statements with similar intent.
In fact as late as Abraham Lincoln's day the Holy Bible was considered the second law book in court when their was an issue the current laws did not cover clearly.
The constitution did not state freedom of religion but that every individual should have he freedom to practice their faith.
Pastor William Mazzulla III, At
2:42 AM
Glad to see that there are others supporting Mr. Thompson. I was scared that there wouldn't be a "true " conservative nominee....
Anonymous, At
8:16 AM
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