Ministry & Business Blog

Monday, August 20, 2007

Pray for churches to hold to Bible Holiness

An article I received by e-mail about another denomination accepting homosexuality is a very serious issue. My following comments are a result of that article.

The article follows my comments if you would like more details.
If you think this is an important issue please copy and paste this whole post into your e-mail.
Don't worry about it if you lose the Bold emphasis. The important thing is for this message to stand against sexual sin and to PRAY for All Christian Church leaders!

Now here are my comments:

Please understand just like the Episcopil church is split over the homosexual issue....
I am sure the same is true of the Lutheran church.
There are godly leaders and godly members in BOTH religious organizations.

All sin before and outside of marriage between a man and woman is sin.
The Bible speaks against all sexual sin.
The Holy Bible informs us that fornication is sin.
It also informs us that homosexuality and lesbianism is sin.

We need to PRAY for ALL religious leaders
not just our own local churches,
not just our own denominations.

Because the more churches and church organizations that accept sin as OK, the more pressure to compromise upon any organization and any Pastor who stands to Bible holiness and preaches against sexual sin (as they should) especially those who preach correctly against perversions such as homosexuality.


Thank you to all of the Pastors, Ministers and Bible Teachers who are taking a godly stand against sin.
Keep preaching against ALL SIN!

Sincerely in Christ,
internet Pastor Bill

PS Please send this to all of your Christian friends and especially to Pastors and ministers you know.
If they are already taking a godly stand, you can support them in their stand by forwarding this e-mail to them.
If they are not taking a godly stand they need to be encouraged to by receiving this e-mail.

Now for the article:
Note: Bold Emphasis is mine.

Sex and a Lutheran Youth Group
By Frank Pastore Sunday,
August 19, 2007

How do they do it? I mean, how can the leadership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) tell their kids with a straight face not to be sexually active outside of marriage when they've just voted last Saturday to no longer enforce the celibacy requirement for their unmarried staff-- both straight and gay?

The ELCA and other pro-gay denominations have been ordaining gays for decades. That's nothing new. What's new is that now staff can openly have lovers while on the job and there will be no disciplinary action for violating the celibacy requirement.

The message to the kids is loud and clear: We can have sex with our boyfriends and girlfriends, but you can't.

What hypocrisy.

This is what happens when sin and the Bible collide: either the Bible will change the sin or the sin will change the Bible. In this case, it's homosexual passion that's changing the Bible. Not only have they decided, essentially, to rewrite the Bible and declare homosexuality no longer a sin, but now they've gone beyond that to include fornication too. Adultery can't be far behind. Look for other liberal denominations to follow suit. So, this means an unmarried youth pastor can openly discuss the sex life he has with his boyfriend without fear of losing his job, while at the same time supposedly providing spiritual leadership to teenagers and counseling them
to "wait until marriage"?

Maybe Lutheran parents should be a little more concerned when their kids come home and say they want to be just like the youth pastor. Perhaps they should be a little more suspicious when their kids display a sudden new zeal to attend Lutheran youth camp.

Or, maybe they're not concerned at all about their kids being sexually active with the church's tacit permission.

Maybe they-- like the entire denomination-- have just given up on the whole "try-not-to-sin" thing. Our kids are going to do it anyway … we can't stop them … all we can do is be "responsible" and try to prevent them from getting AIDS or getting pregnant … what we really need to do is provide them condoms-- just like we do with our adults.

Who needs moral purity when you can have such tolerance and understanding?

It used to be that girls were sometimes deterred from being sexually promiscuous in high school out of fear of getting a bad "reputation." Now an entire denomination has a well-deserved bad reputation.

I looked around on the official ELCA Web site for what they teach their children about sexuality.

Here's what I found on a page entitled,
"Sexuality: Some Common Convictions."
"Responsible procreation and parenting"
I found the following:
Youth need the support and guidance of the church to resist cultural and peer pressures that encourage sexual intercourse prior to marriage. Open and honest discussion of sexual questions is to be encouraged, in ways that communicate God's guidance, forgiveness, and ongoing care. As a church, we affirm the importance of education about sexuality that emphasizes respect, mutuality, responsibility, and abstinence outside of marriage. But, why should you try to "resist the cultural and peer pressures that encourage sexual intercourse prior to marriage" and value "abstinence outside of marriage" when your leadership doesn't? Furthermore, does this statement imply anything short of intercourse is acceptable?

• Under "Promiscuity" I found:
Having casual sexual relations is sinful because this does not proceed from or contribute to respect, intimacy, and care of the other. Promiscuity is inconsistent with our identity as Christians
(1 Corinthians 6:12-20).
Being sexually active in order to be popular or only to gratify sexual desire is morally wrong.

And, for what purpose do you think ELCA staff members are sexually active
if not to "gratify sexual desire?"

I'm sure ELCA editors are already working on new copy for the Web page that will bring what's posted on the Web in line with what they actually believe-- i.e., that it's not "morally wrong." •

And, under
"Practices that spread sexually-transmitted diseases" there's this:
Irresponsible, unprotected sexual contact can expose sexual partners to incurable and fatal sexually-transmitted diseases. Sexual practices that result in physical harm to another are sinful and must be countered. Education about sexuality should emphasize monogamy, abstinence, and responsible sexual behavior, as well as practices intended to prevent the transmission of disease during sexual intercourse. This church supports efforts to prevent, cure, and care for those afflicted with such diseases. Let me translate. "For all our teens and adults, whether single or married, straight or gay, or laity or leadership, when you are sexually active we want you to always wear a condom." Apparently, that's the new ELCA standard for moral purity. Enough of those archaic notions of monogamy, fidelity and abstinence. It's simply been reduced to "be responsible-- wear a condom." Thank God that at the Missouri Synod there are still Lutherans who are also faithfully Christian.

The Frank Pastore Show is heard in Los Angeles weekday afternoons on 99.5 KKLA and on the web at, and is the winner of the 2006 National Religious Broadcasters Talk Show of the Year. rank is a former major league pitcher with graduate degrees in both philosophy of religion and political philosophy.

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